E' vero... ci sono cose che non passano mai di moda,anzi!
sono le piccole cose che noi donne amiamo, anche perchè
obiettivamente sono pure utili....
E, proprio in quest'ottica, uno degli articoli che Chiara
(mia figlia) ha venduto di più nel negozio di Otranto sono
questi specchietti, alcuni ricoperti con dei tessutini americani
ed altri che mi è piaciuto ricamare per lei.
ricamati su lino con l'aggiunta qua e là di qualche perlina.
In attesa dell'eclissi di luna, vi auguro una buona serata ed
una serena settimana.
One of my friends wonders why there is'nt a translate button on my blog.
Well , I had got it months ago but,incredible, it desappeared!It's a mistery.
So I think it's better if - from now on -I translate myself what I write....
and I'll try doing the same with my previous posts (little by little)
Here are some little mirrors on sale in my daugther's Chiara shop, which
is in Otranto (Salento - Southern italy).
She asked me to make a bit of cross stitching on the top and so did I,
with great pleasure indeed!
These darling little mirrors have still a great success and they have
been one of the articles most requested in the season. That's all!
Thank you for stopping by.
One of my friends wonders why there is'nt a translate button on my blog.
Well , I had got it months ago but,incredible, it desappeared!It's a mistery.
So I think it's better if - from now on -I translate myself what I write....
and I'll try doing the same with my previous posts (little by little)
Here are some little mirrors on sale in my daugther's Chiara shop, which
is in Otranto (Salento - Southern italy).
She asked me to make a bit of cross stitching on the top and so did I,
with great pleasure indeed!
These darling little mirrors have still a great success and they have
been one of the articles most requested in the season. That's all!
Thank you for stopping by.